
Data ingest

Data are pulled in with a number of celery tasks, listed at Updating from Wikidata.


commons-api embeds represent-boundaries for storing boundary data. Boundaries are pulled in using celery tasks from two sources:

  • boundaries/ directories in proto-commons repositories
  • GeoShapes (linked with wdt:P3896 properties in Wikidata) from Wikimedia Commons

Represent Boundaries has two models, boundaries.models.BoundarySet and boundaries.models.Boundary. For boundaries sourced from proto-commons repositories, each shapefile is mapped to its own BoundarySet. Commons geoshapes have a boundaries.models.BoundarySet per source URL, and so have a single boundaries.models.Boundary per boundaries.models.BoundarySet.

The represent-boundaries views are included in commons_api.urls.urlpatterns at /boundary-sets/ and /boundaries/.


Models representing Wikidata items all subclass commons_api.wikidata.models.WikidataItem, which implements common functionality around labels, links to Wikipedia, etc. Wikidata IDs are used as primary keys.

Some models are timebound, i.e. they potentially have start/inception and end/dissolution dates in Wikidata. These subclass commons_api.wikidata.models.Timebound.

Some Wikidata IDs will have representations in different models, e.g. Andorra is both a commons_api.wikidata.models.Country and an commons_api.wikidata.models.AdministrativeArea for its national legislature.

Memberships correspond to statements — not items — in Wikidata, so commons_api.wikidata.models.LegislativeMembership doesn’t subclass commons_api.wikidata.models.WikidataItem.


commons-api has an API built on top of django-rest-framework and exposed at /api/. The API is a standard use of django-rest-framework, split across:

  • commons_api.wikidata.api (the rest_framework.routers.DefaultRouter definition, where viewsets get wired in)
  • commons_api.wikidata.viewsets (these handle the list and detail views for API objects, using serializers and renderers)
  • commons_api.wikidata.serializers (these extract data from ORM objects into a simple Python data structure)
  • commons_api.wikidata.renderers (these turn the simple Python data structure into representations (e.g. JSON, CSV) to send to clients.